Dùthchas / Mull Place Names

Place name articles in Mull’s ‘Round & About’ monthly print magazine by Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin (Whyte). Available to buy in local shops.

Mull Museum

Museum, library and archive, Tobermory, Isle of Mull.


Maim Slè by Alasdair C Whyte is a creative exploration of the climate emergency and linguistic and cultural extinction. A good illustration of Dùthchas in Mull.

Mull: The Island & Its People

Mull: The Island And Its People by Jo Currie explores the history of the island in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Island Voices

‘Island Voices: Traditions of North Mull’ by Ann MacKenzie has much information about traditional life and some powerful testimonies from the Clearances.

Mull & Iona: A Historical Guide

‘Mull and Iona: A historical guide’ by David Caldwell provides great overview summaries of the prehistory and history before a gazetteer of key archaeological and historic sites.

Tobar An Dualchais

A searchable online database of audio recordings of Scotland’s cultural heritage, including many from Mull

What We Do In The Winter

A podcast series about the lives of the people of Mull, Iona, Ulva, Gometra and Erraid produced by Mull based Alasdair and Gerogia Satchel.

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