Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas
By Rebecca Solnit. A powerful and creative reinvention of the traditional Atlas examining the many layers of meaning in one place.
After Empire: Melancholia or Convivial Culture?
By Paul Gilroy
Resisting Dismissal
Resisting Dismissal in the Gàidhealtachd – essay on Gael identity by Gordon Camshron (paywall)
What Makes a Gael?
‘What makes a Gael? Identity, language and ancestry in the Scottish Gàidhealtachd’ by Bechhofer and McCrone (Paywall)
A Scottish Gaelic Methodology to guide Self-Decolonization and Conceptualising a Kin-centric and Relational Approach to Community-Led Research by Paul J Meighan
What Does It Mean To Decolonise?
What does it mean to decolonise? An article by Alessando Petti and Marie-Louise Richards.
Decolonising Your Practice
Top 10 tips to start decolonising your practice. Blog post by Tehmina Goskar / Curatorial Research Centre
Decolonising Glossary
‘Decolonising Glossary’ – document developed by the Curatorial Research Centre
Decolonizing Self and Work
Decolonizing Self and Work: An Unlearning Journey – blog post by Colleen Casimira / Reos Partners.
Uile Gu Lèir / Vision
Uile Gu Lèir / Vision by Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin (Whyte). A poem. Original Gaelic version and English translation available.
Cisteachan-Laighe / Coffins
Cisteachan-Laighe / Coffins by Ruaraidh MacThòmas. A reflection on the pain and grief of linguistic and cultural loss. Original Gaelic version and English translation available.
Emergence Magazine
Emergence Magazine – online (and print) magazine with lots of pieces on colonisation, decolonising, language, land etc. in various creative mediums.
The Reason Why
A podcast on Cornish identity by Seamas Carey.