The Making Of The Crofting Community

The Making of The Crofting Community by James Hunter. This award winning book is an essential introduction to some of the central themes of Scotland’s history

A Scottish Gaelic Methodology to guide Self-Decolonization and Conceptualising a Kin-centric and Relational Approach to Community-Led Research by Paul J Meighan
What Does It Mean To Decolonise?

What does it mean to decolonise? An article by Alessando Petti and Marie-Louise Richards.
Decolonising Your Practice

Top 10 tips to start decolonising your practice. Blog post by Tehmina Goskar / Curatorial Research Centre
Decolonising Glossary

‘Decolonising Glossary’ – document developed by the Curatorial Research Centre
Decolonizing Self and Work

Decolonizing Self and Work: An Unlearning Journey – blog post by Colleen Casimira / Reos Partners.
Uile Gu Lèir / Vision

Uile Gu Lèir / Vision by Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin (Whyte). A poem. Original Gaelic version and English translation available.
Cisteachan-Laighe / Coffins

Cisteachan-Laighe / Coffins by Ruaraidh MacThòmas. A reflection on the pain and grief of linguistic and cultural loss. Original Gaelic version and English translation available.
Consider The Lilies

A novel focusing on the experience of one elderly woman facing eviction during the Highland Clearances. A good illustration of Dùthchas.
Hallaig (English)

Hallaig – poem by Sorley MacLean. A reflection on the nature of time and the historical impact of the highland clearances. English translation by Seamus Heaney.
Hallaig (Gaelic)

Hallaig – a poem by Sorley MacLean. A reflection on the nature of time and the historical impact of the highland clearances. Original Gaelic version and English translation by Sorley MacLean.
Emergence Magazine

Emergence Magazine – online (and print) magazine with lots of pieces on colonisation, decolonising, language, land etc. in various creative mediums.

Maim Slè by Alasdair C Whyte is a creative exploration of the climate emergency and linguistic and cultural extinction. A good illustration of Dùthchas in Mull.
Mull: The Island & Its People

Mull: The Island And Its People by Jo Currie explores the history of the island in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Island Voices

‘Island Voices: Traditions of North Mull’ by Ann MacKenzie has much information about traditional life and some powerful testimonies from the Clearances.
Mull & Iona: A Historical Guide

‘Mull and Iona: A historical guide’ by David Caldwell provides great overview summaries of the prehistory and history before a gazetteer of key archaeological and historic sites.
National Library Of Scotland

Historic mapping available here is a fabulous resource for anyone interested in landscape history and placenames.

Collection of articles about dendrochronology and wooded landscape history in Scotland.
Tobar An Dualchais

A searchable online database of audio recordings of Scotland’s cultural heritage, including many from Mull
Map Of Stories

A collection of 113 stories to explore, celebrate and promote oral storytelling traditions in Scotland, and the deep seated sense of place from which they emerge.