Mull Museum

Museum, library and archive, Tobermory, Isle of Mull.

A History of the Native Woodlands of Scotland

A history of the native woodlands of Scotland, 1500-1920 by TC Smout, AR MacDonald & F Watson. A great overview of how we’ve lived with woodlands over the last several hundred years.

The Gaelic Otherworld

John Gregorson Campbell’s folklore collections of superstitions, beliefs and spirituality from the Gàidhealtachd. ed. Ronald Black.

The Scottish Clearances

The Scottish Clearances: A History of the Dispossessed by T.M. Devine. ‘Takes the reader by the hand through the prickly jungle of clearance and dispossession’

On the Other Side of Sorrow

On the Other Side of Sorrow: Nature and People in the Scottish Highlands by James Hunter. Rich in history and Gaelic songs / poetry.

Awakening of the Gaelic Nation

‘The Creation of the Gaelic Society of Inverness and an Awakening of the Gaelic Nation in Scotland in the Late 19th Century’ – talk on Gaelic identity and activist by Iain MacKinnon

Between Islands

Between Islands: In conversation with Kevin MacNeil – an interview by Zoe Paterson MacInnes

The Making Of The Crofting Community

The Making of The Crofting Community by James Hunter. This award winning book is an essential introduction to some of the central themes of Scotland’s history

Mull: The Island & Its People

Mull: The Island And Its People by Jo Currie explores the history of the island in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Island Voices

‘Island Voices: Traditions of North Mull’ by Ann MacKenzie has much information about traditional life and some powerful testimonies from the Clearances.

Mull & Iona: A Historical Guide

‘Mull and Iona: A historical guide’ by David Caldwell provides great overview summaries of the prehistory and history before a gazetteer of key archaeological and historic sites.

Tobar An Dualchais

A searchable online database of audio recordings of Scotland’s cultural heritage, including many from Mull

Map Of Stories

A collection of 113 stories to explore, celebrate and promote oral storytelling traditions in Scotland, and the deep seated sense of place from which they emerge.

What We Do In The Winter

A podcast series about the lives of the people of Mull, Iona, Ulva, Gometra and Erraid produced by Mull based Alasdair and Gerogia Satchel.

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