A History of the Native Woodlands of Scotland

A history of the native woodlands of Scotland, 1500-1920 by TC Smout, AR MacDonald & F Watson. A great overview of how we’ve lived with woodlands over the last several hundred years.

On the Other Side of Sorrow

On the Other Side of Sorrow: Nature and People in the Scottish Highlands by James Hunter. Rich in history and Gaelic songs / poetry.

The Making Of The Crofting Community

The Making of The Crofting Community by James Hunter. This award winning book is an essential introduction to some of the central themes of Scotland’s history

Emergence Magazine

Emergence Magazine – online (and print) magazine with lots of pieces on colonisation, decolonising, language, land etc. in various creative mediums.


Maim Slè by Alasdair C Whyte is a creative exploration of the climate emergency and linguistic and cultural extinction. A good illustration of Dùthchas in Mull.

Mull: The Island & Its People

Mull: The Island And Its People by Jo Currie explores the history of the island in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


Collection of articles about dendrochronology and wooded landscape history in Scotland.

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