Question 18

What are other people in Mull thinking in relation to all this?

Question 17

Is new indigenous culture still being created?

Question 16

What would Mull look like in 100 years if the words Gàidhealtachd, dùthchas, furan, cèilidh and brìgh were the core values of that society?

Question 15

How can we keep our culture and heritage alive and thriving in these challenging times?

Question 14

Why do us Muileachs not turn up – do we not care – or are we too busy? Or is it something else?

Question 13

Are the traumas in Mull’s history still shaping its present?

Question 12

A lot of things are run by newcomers – does that matter?

Question 11

How do we maintain culturally protected spaces for some without others feeling excluded?

Question 10

Do visitors realise these places were once full of people?

Question 9

How can we work sensitively in the Gàidhealtachd without replicating the same historic dynamics of displacement, silencing and erasure?

Question 8

Why can’t new residents pronounce place names properly?

Question 7

What can we learn from the people and culture of this place?

Question 6

Newcomer, Muileach, Gael, Scottish, English… What is hidden by the labels?

Question 5

What does indigeneity mean for us in the Gàidhealtachd?

Question 4

Is there a cultural divide on Mull and is it helpful to acknowledge it?

Question 3

How can people of Gaelic heritage assert their indigeneity and share this knowledge with those who are new to the region?

Question 2

How can people who aren’t of Gaelic heritage learn and work meaningfully within Gaelic culture?

Question 1

How can we connect with our history in a way that informs our future?

The Making Of The Crofting Community

The Making of The Crofting Community by James Hunter. This award winning book is an essential introduction to some of the central themes of Scotland’s history


A Scottish Gaelic Methodology to guide Self-Decolonization and Conceptualising a Kin-centric and Relational Approach to Community-Led Research by Paul J Meighan

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